Office Address
Beds & Herts LMC Ltd, The Shires, Astonbury Farm
Astonbury Lane, Aston
Stevenage, Herts
01438 880010 (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday except Bank Holidays. A message can be left on the answer phone outside these times)
Directions to the office from the A1(M)
- Leave A1 (M) at Junction 7 onto A602 (Stevenage)
- Keep straight at next 7 roundabouts
- Just after 7th roundabout (mini), take next left hand turn into Aston Lane, sign-posted Aston and Golf Centre
- After passing Golf Course, entrance (on left) take the next right hand turn into Astonbury Lane. (NB DO NOT TAKE FIRST RIGHT HAND TURN IN ASTON LANE, this leads to Astonbury Manor).
- Please park in the visitors car park on left hand side
- The LMC office is the partially cream painted building (fronted by grass with picnic table & chairs) which faces onto the road.