GP Representation

GP Representation

Local Medical Committees (LMCs) are the only democratically elected body representing GPs. LMCs are recognised in statute, written into the NHS Act since its inception in 1948. Set up in 1911, they predate the NHS and have played pivotal roles in facilitating the functioning of the NHS.

LMCs have survived many NHS re-organisations and have adapted to ensure GPs are supported however NHS services are structured. As part of this formal role, NHS England and ICBs have a statutory duty to consult with their local LMC on certain issues.

Beds and Herts LMC provides the representative voice of General Practice in the counties of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. We work with GPs to ensure their views and experiences are heard and we seek to ensure these are understood by all our NHS and care partners and together we seek to deliver the best care for patients.

Visit the pages below to find out more.

GP Representation

LMC Role

Find out more about Beds & Herts LMC – What We Do.

Mission, Vision, Values

Find out more about Beds & Herts LMC – Who We Are.

Office Team

Meet the Beds & Herts LMC Office Team.

LMC Committees

Find out more about our committee of representatives to support GPs in each area.

LMC Beds Reps

Visit here for the full list of LMC Reps in Bedfordshire.

LMC Herts Reps

Visit here for the full list of LMC Reps in Hertfordshire.


Visit here for more information about GPC and the BMA.