Mission, Vision, Values
Your Local Medical Committee (LMC)
Beds and Herts LMC is your local medical committee providing the representative voice of General Practice in the counties of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
We work with GPs to ensure their views and experiences are heard. We seek to ensure these are understood by all our NHS and care partners, as together we seek to deliver sustainable, safe care for patients.
A bit of history
Local Medical Committees (LMC) are statutory organisations written into the NHS Act since its inception in1948. LMCs are the only elected professional body representing all local GPs. Set up in 1911, they predate the NHS and have played pivotal roles in facilitating the functioning of the NHS.
LMCs have survived many NHS re-organisations and have adapted to ensure GPs are supported however NHS services are structured.
As part of this formal role NHS England and ICBs have a statutory duty to consult with their local LMC on certain issues.
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire LMCs have formed with one LMC staff team covering the two counties, but both counties have formal representation in the LMC structures. Both of our committees are made up of elected GP representatives and are supported by a staff team based in Stevenage.
In 2006, the Beds and Herts LMC became incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) and Beds and Herts LMC Ltd was formed to allow us to expand the services we provide whilst ensuring adequate liability insurance for all LMC representatives.
Even though the LMC is a Limited Company it remains a not-for-profit organisation, limited by guarantee only: there are no shareholders. Any profit made is put back into the organisation. It is used for the benefit of GPs and their practices, as well as helping to keep the levy as low as possible.
Our Mission
Beds & Herts LMC is a professional organisation empowering practices to provide sustainable, safe care to their patients and enabling individuals to have enjoyable and fulfilling careers by guiding, advising, educating and advocating.
Our Vision
Local leadership, innovation and advocacy providing long term stability for General Practice.
Our Values
We pride ourselves on having strong values of: Leadership, Expertise, Integrity, Adaptability and Collaboration.