LMC Committees
Beds and Herts LMC is a democratic organisation that works with the BMA General Practitioner’s Committee (GPC) regarding all national issues that affect GPs. We have GP and PM members and they determine the policies and procedures of the LMC. We have two primary committees that are elected to represent the membership: Bedfordshire LMC Committee and Hertfordshire LMC Committee.
Elections are held every two years for GPs to represent their peers on the committees, with each tenure lasting up to four years. We aim to have representation within the committees of ages, sex and contractual types. Those elected are expected to attend LMC meetings and provide a voice for their constituency.
Bedfordshire LMC Committee
Beds LMC Committee is the representative forum for all GPs in the Bedfordshire and Luton area. It is chaired by Dr Christiane Harris with currently 21 members drawn from each locality across Bedfordshire and Luton.
The Committee members reflect issues from commissioners in Luton, Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire as well as partners throughout the health and care system.
Hertfordshire LMC Committee
Herts LMC Committee is the representative forum for all GPs in the Hertfordshire area. It is chaired by Dr Violaine Carpenter with 28 members drawn from each locality across Hertfordshire.
The Committee members reflect issues from commissioners in East and North Hertfordshire, Herts Valleys as well as partners from through-out the health and care system.
The LMC Consultation
Where NHS England, ICBs or Local Authority is seeking formal approval or an opinion from the LMC on an issue, the LMC committees are consulted.
For urgent matters, we can consult the Executive that meets in between the committee meetings or by going directly to committee members through various other channels to obtain an early opinion.
Please note that while LMC representatives or members of the LMC staff team will represent the LMC at meetings and provide advice and opinion, they do not give LMC approval without further discussion at an LMC committee or executive committee.
Our Structure
There is a Board of the company which is made up of representatives from the two county committees and key members of the Staff Executive team. All LMC representatives are members of Beds and Herts LMC Ltd.
If you are interested in learning a bit more about the LMC or getting involved by becoming a Representative, we welcome GPs to observe one of our main committee meetings. Please contact us if you’d like to join a meeting, by emailing the office on [email protected] or calling on 01438 880010.